Conference on Ecosystem Restoration in Norway 18-19. January 2021.

The picture above: a restoration action in Dovrefjell, where excavators are removing a road in the mountain landscape to turn an old military trail into a National park. (Photo: D.Hagen/NINA)
The Norwegian Institute for Nature Research – NINA is organizing in collaboration with The Norwegian Environment Agency (Miljødirektoratet) the first broad conference on Ecosystem Restoration in Norway, that will be held virtually in January 18th-19th.
The conference marks the start of United Nations Decade for Ecosystem Restoration 2021-2030 (UN Decade on Restoration) .
UN wants the decade 2021-2030 to be about contributing to restore damaged and destroyed nature. To be able to do this, it is necessary to work together. The Norwegian Environment Agency Miljødirektoratet and the Norwegian Institute for Nature Research (NINA) therefore want to gather the best experts on land and water restoration.
The most important pressure on biodiversity in Norway is the construction of infrastructure, renewable energy, forestry, and recreation (such as cabin areas and sports facilities). To protect and increase carbon storage is one of the safest ways to counteract extreme climate changes. Research by NINA also shows that taking care of nature is the cheapest and most effective way to store carbon in Norway.
UN’s Sustainable Development Goal SDG-15 is about protecting, restoring and promoting the sustainable use of the earth’s eco systems and to ensure species diversity.
To reach this goal, Norway needs to increase the effort to restore damaged ecosystems and prevent damage to nature.

Example of restored wetland in Trondheim (Norway). In the past it used to be a industrial area with a piped river. (Photo: D.Hagen/NINA)
It is important that managers, scientists, industry and NGOs work together to solve these challenges. Miljødirektoratet and NINA have set up this Naturrestaureringskonferansen.
During the conference, the participants will look at how nature restoration can answer the big environmental challenges, and they will also look at possible solutions on how Norwegian research can contribute to reaching the goal of the Decade.
When: 18-19. January
Where: online
Language: Norwegian
Contact person from PlaNet: Dagmar Hagen (NINA)