Call for abstracts to EGU 2021 – session NH8.4 on vegetation effects on slope stability and climate-induced geohazards

The next online gathering of the European Geoscience Union – EGU 2021 – will host a new session on the effects of plant-soil-atmosphere interaction on the slope stability.
The NH8.4 session is entitled ” Vegetation as nature-based solution for mitigating climate induced geo-hazards and associated consequences along slopes and streambanks” and is coordinated by Vittoria Capobianco (Norwegian Geotechnical Institute – NGI), Sabatino Cuomo (University of Salerno), Dominika Krzeminska (Norwegian Institute of Bioeconomy Research – NIBIO) and Anders Solheim (Norwegian Geotechnical Institute – NGI).
Contributions documenting, both through numerical or experimental studies, how vegetation can be beneficial in slope stability and plant-soil-atmosphere interaction in the unsaturated zone are welcome.
Specific topics and research questions related to this session are:
- How the plant-soil-atmosphere interaction affects the unsaturated zone and thus the slope stability?
- Measuring and quantifying the effects of vegetation as NBS for mitigating climate induced geo-hazards and associated consequences at or near instable slopes and along stream banks – case studies at full scale or laboratory scale
- How to ensure interdisciplinary interaction for sustainability and mutual synergies for studies containing vegetation as NBS for mitigating climate induced geo-hazards and associated consequences at or near instable slopes and along stream banks.
Interested participants are welcome to submit an abstract within 13 January 2021, which will be followed by an online presentation to be given during the virtual session.
Additional info about abstract submission can be found at:
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